
Fresh White Chamanthi/Chrysanthemums Flowers 100g


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Fresh flowers were used to create the garlands we provide to you.

This is one month subscription model and we provide daily 100grams Fresh White Chamanthi/Chrysanthemums Flowers.

The flower plants were grown without the use of any chemicals or pesticides.

Without shipping, we deliver a fresh flower garland to your house every day.

Delivery is planned for every day between 5:00 and 7:00 AM to ensure that you receive these garlands well in advance of your puja hour.


The air element is more prominent in the divine bodies of gods and goddesses because they inhabit the astral realm. These heavenly beings have a high sense of smell because they value excellent smell and are naturally drawn to it wherever it exists.

Offering flowers is a key part of Hindu devotion since different Gods and goddesses are thought to have particular floral tastes.


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